Mark Sindayen

Mark Sindayen, was born in New York, New York in 1976 and was raised in Redmond, Washington. He and his family live in Bothell, Washington. Mark has been bodybuilding competitively since 2000 under the mentorship of his longtime coach, Turk Fickling. In 1995, while attending college, Mark met his wife-to-be, Loraine, and they have been happily married since 2002. Mark started coaching bodybuilding and lifestyle athletes in 2013 shortly after making history by becoming the first Men’s Lightweight Bodybuilder to win an Overall title at the NPC Washington State Championships earning his stage name given to him by well known MC, Kim “Kong” Farrison, “Filipino Giantkiller.” Mark is a seasoned professional athlete earning his IFBB Pro Card from the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness in July 2015 at the NPC USA Bodybuilding Championships, competing for the first time on stage in the Men’s Bantamweight Division under the guidance of Matt Porter. Mark gained public attention in the eyes of the judges and the NPC that day for his beautiful display of balance, symmetry, and surreal conditioning and was featured in the October 2015 issue of Flex Magazine.

Mark’s love and passion for the sport is reflected in his posing artistry which has earned him several guest posing appearances at every NPC sanctioned show in the Pacific Northwest both as an amateur and as a professional athlete. With the encouragement from his amazing wife, Loraine, and motivation from their daughters, Macaela and Maleah, Mark’s brand, Giantkiller Krew (aka GK Krew) was born. Mark is well known for his dedication to his athletes and his diverse coaching abilities. Thanks to the support from his posing mentor, Andre Scott, founder of Posing Perfection, Mark is able to coach several athletes and families of all ages and body types in every bodybuilding division nationwide. He enjoys breakdancing, football, traveling, spending time with his family and serving his Bodybuilding and Church Community. Mark is our longest tenured FX Supps Sponsored Athlete, being part of the FX family since June 2018. Since then, he has been marketing our FX Sports Nutrition Supplements to his clients to ensure they are performing optimally and getting their health and fitness needs met. 

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