Get your Z’s with FXSUPPS, ZMA
When I started competing in bodybuilding in April 2000, when I was the ripe young age of 24 years old, I had no idea how much the role of sleep played and its impact on body appearance and composition. All I thought about was punishing the body in the gym through hours of cardio and lifting heavy on a regular basis, depleting fats, and carbohydrates, etc...and sleep was an afterthought. Little did I know, sleep was critical in achieving the look I desired. Over the years from studying my mentors and doing my own research, I learned that I was going about my contest preparation for on and off-season training the wrong way. Sleep, just like my training, and eating my meals, should be scheduled and made a priority. Studies have shown that lack of sleep has been associated with poor exercise performance, lack of muscle growth, and an increase in body fat. Not to mention, inadequate sleep and sleep deprivation can cause numerous neurobehavioral and physiological changes. A number of recent studies have reported associations between disrupted sleep/sleep deprivation and the body’s inflammatory responses. Controlling the body’s response to inflammation will result in an overall better looking and healthier looking body. Ingesting and consuming the proper recovery products such as ZMA, has helped offset all those issues. ZMA has been a staple in my supplement stack for the last four years and it continues to be a game changer for me and I recommend all my athletes to take it during both on and off season 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime. To get a hold of this amazing product, go to and utilize my promo code: fxgkk25 and get 25% off